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Cotan Embedding

Given a triangulation \(M=(V,T)\) of a disk-topology object and some initial \(uv\)-coordinates on the vertices of \(M\), this method optimizes the \(uv\)-coordinates under fixed boundary so that no triangle is inverted in the final \(uv\)-mapping.


  • [1] Embedding a triangular graph within a given boundary, Yin Xu, Renjie Chen, Craig Gotsman and Ligang Liu, Computer Aided Geometric Design (2011)
  • [2][_Global Parametrization Algorithms for Quadmeshing_](, Guillaume Coiffier, PhD Manuscript (Chapter 3)


import mouette as M

emb = M.parametrization.CotanEmbedding(mesh, uv_attributes, mode="bfgs")()
or, alternatively:
emb = M.parametrization.CotanEmbedding(mesh, uv_attributes, mode="bfgs")

See this script for a full example.


Triangle \(T=(i,j,k)\) with angles \(\alpha\) notations

Notations for triangle $T=(i,j,k)$

The algorithms minimizes the energy \(E_T\) per triangle, defined as:

\[E_T = D_T - A_T\]


\[D_T = \displaystyle \begin{pmatrix} \cot(\alpha_i) & \cot(\alpha_j) & \cot(\alpha_k) \end{pmatrix} . \begin{pmatrix} (u_j - u_k)^2 + (v_j - v_k)^2 \\ (u_i - u_k)^2 + (v_i - v_k)^2 \\ (u_i - u_j)^2 + (v_i - v_j)^2 \end{pmatrix}\]
\[A_T = \frac{1}{2} \det \begin{pmatrix} u_j-u_i & u_k-u_i \\ v_j-v_i & v_k-v_i \end{pmatrix}\]

The first term \(D_T\) of this expression is the dot product between the vector of cotangents and the vector of opposite squared lengths. If the cotangents correspond to the angles made by \(uv\)-coordinates, then this quantity is exactly the unsigned area of triangle \(T\). The other term is half the determinant of \(uv\)-coordinates of the triangle, that is to say the signed area \(A_T\) of triangle \(T\). The energy we consider per triangle is simply the difference between the two.

This energy can be minimized in two ways:

The direct optimization

The first strategy to minimize the energy is to put everything inside a non-linear solver like L-BFGS. However, this optimization may result in cotangents that do not form valid triangles, hence we need to introduce the constraint: \(\cot(\alpha_i)\cot(\alpha_j) + \cot(\alpha_j)\cot(\alpha_k) + \cot(\alpha_k)\cot(\alpha_i) = 1\) for all triangles \(T\).

Using Lagrange multipliers, we are able to reformulate the constrained problem as:

\[\min_{u,v} \sum_{T=(i,j,k)} \sqrt{2( \ell_i \ell_j + \ell_j \ell_k + \ell_k \ell_i) - \ell_i^2 - \ell_j^2 - \ell_k^2} \;-\, A_T\]

where \(\ell_i = (u_j - u_k)^2 + (v_j - v_k)^2\) is the squared distance between \(j\) and \(k\) in parameter space. This means that the final energy only depends on the \(uv\)-coordinates.

The iterative approach

Alternatively, the energy can be minimized by iteratively solving linear systems involving a cotan-Laplacian, where the cotangent are updated at each step to match the cotangents given by the \(uv\)-coordinates:

\[\cot(\alpha_k) = \frac{ (u_i-u_k)(u_j-u_k) + (v_i-v_k)(v_j-v_k) }{(u_i-u_k)(v_j-v_k) - (u_j-u_k)(v_i-v_k)}.\]

This approach is more stable and provides good results in more cases, but the final parametrizations are close to conformal and thus can exhibit high area distortions.


Illustration of the method : initialization mesh

Initial flattening of a butterfly model (with folds in red)

Illustration of the method : final result using BFGS approach

Final result with L-BFGS approach

Illustration of the method : final result using iterative approach

Final result with iterative Tutte approach

CotanEmbedding(mesh, uv_init, mode='bfgs', verbose=False, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseParametrization

Given a parametrization of a disk where boundary is fixed, we can optimize the difference between unsigned and signed areas of triangles to compute a parametrization that is foldover-free.


The input mesh should have the topology of a disk.

UV coordinates are computed per vertex and not per corner. See mouette.attributes.scatter_vertices_to_corners for conversion.


[1] Embedding a triangular graph within a given boundary, Xu et al. (2011)




Name Type Description Default
mesh SurfaceMesh

the supporting mesh.

uv_init ArrayAttribute

array of initial uv-coordinates per vertices. np.array of shape (V,2) or mouette.ArrayAttribute object.

verbose bool

verbose mode. Defaults to False.

mode str

optimization mode. Either "bfgs" or "alternate". Defaults to "bfgs".


Other Parameters:

Name Type Description
tutte_if_convex bool

if True and if the boundary of the shape is convex and mode=="alternate", will simply runs Tutte's embedding. Defaults to True

solver_verbose bool

solver verbose mode. Defaults to False.

flat_mesh property

A flat representation of the mesh where uv-coordinates are copied to xy.


Name Type Description
SurfaceMesh SurfaceMesh

the flat mesh


Runs the optimization


Type Description

Fails if the mesh is not a topological disk


Fails if the mesh is not triangular


Bases: Mesh

A data structure for representing point clouds


Name Type Description
vertices DataContainer

the container for all vertices

__str__ str

Representation of the object and its elements as a string.

id_vertices property

Shortcut for range(len(self.vertices))


Shortcut for self.vertices.append(x), since we can only append elements in the 'vertices' container


Bases: Mesh

A data structure for representing polylines.


Name Type Description
vertices DataContainer

the container for all vertices

edges DataContainer

the container for all edges


Representation of the object and its elements as a string.

id_edges property

Shortcut for range(len(self.edges))

id_vertices property

Shortcut for range(len(self.vertices))


Bases: Mesh

A data structure for representing polygonal surfaces.


Name Type Description
vertices DataContainer

the container for all vertices

edges DataContainer

the container for all edges

faces DataContainer

the container for all faces

face_corners DataContainer

the container for all corner of faces

boundary_edges list

list of all edge indices on the boundary

interior_edges list

list of all interior edge indices (all edges \ boundary_edges)

boundary_vertices list

list of all vertex indices on the boundary

interior_vertices list

list of all interior verticex indices (all vertices \ boundary_vertices)

connectivity _SurfaceConnectivity

the connectivity utility class

id_corners property

Shortcut for range(len(self.face_corners))

id_edges property

Shortcut for range(len(self.edges))

id_faces property

Shortcut for range(len(self.faces))

id_vertices property

Shortcut for range(len(self.vertices))


Clear all boundary data. Next call to a boundary/interior container or method will recompute everything

is_edge_on_border(u, v)

whether edge (u,v) is a boundary edge or not


Name Type Description Default
u int

vertex id

v int

vertex id



Name Type Description
bool bool

whether edge (u,v) is a boundary edge or not. Returns False if (u,v) is not a valid edge.


Checks if the mesh is a quadrangulation


Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the mesh is quadrangular (all faces are quad)


Checks if the mesh is a triangulation


Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the mesh is triangular (all faces are triangles)


whether vertex u is a boundary vertex or not.


Name Type Description Default
u int

vertex id



Name Type Description
bool bool

whether vertex u is a boundary vertex or not.

ith_vertex_of_face(fid, i)

helper function to get the i-th vertex of a face, i.e. self.faces[fid][i]


Name Type Description Default
fid int

face id

i int

vertex id in face. Should be 0 <= vid < len(face)



Name Type Description
int int

the id of the i-th vertex in face fid (self.faces[fid][i])


point coordinates of vertices of face fid


Name Type Description Default
fid int

face id



Name Type Description

iterator of Vec objects representing point coordinates of vertices


Bases: Mesh

id_cells property

Shortcut for range(len(self.cells))

id_corners property

Shortcut for range(len(self.face_corners))

id_edges property

Shortcut for range(len(self.edges))

id_faces property

Shortcut for range(len(self.faces))

id_vertices property

Shortcut for range(len(self.vertices))


Simple test to determine if a given edge is on the boundary of the mesh.


Name Type Description
bool bool

Returns True if the given edge is on the boundary of the mesh.


Simple test to determine if a given face is on the boundary of the mesh.


Name Type Description
bool bool

Returns True is the given face exists and is on the boundary of the mesh



Name Type Description
bool bool

True if the mesh is tetrahedral (all cells are tetrahedra)