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Surface Feature Detection

Detecting feature edges of a surface mesh is done in mouette in the FeatureEdgeDetector class. This class encapsulates various strategies of detection and stores the result for a given mesh.


fed = FeatureEdgeDetector([options])


fed = FeatureEdgeDetector([options])(mesh) # directly calls detect

This fills the various container attributes that can be accessed in the FeatureEdgeDetector class.

Result of the feature detection algorithm with feature edges marked on red on CAD models of two mechanical parts

Feature edge detection on CAD models

FeatureEdgeDetector(only_border=False, flag_corners=True, corner_order=4, compute_feature_graph=True, verbose=True)

Bases: Worker

Worker used to detect features on a surface mesh. Feature edges are of three types:

  • Marked edges from the input file (reading the "hard_edges" attribute on edges)

  • Boundary edges

  • Edges such that their dihedral angle is large (crease edges)

The FeatureEdgeDetector object ican be given as a parameter in parametrization or frame field algorithms that need feature edge alignment.


Name Type Description Default
only_border bool

If set to True, will only consider border edges as features. Defaults to False.

flag_corners bool

If set to True, will also compute a goal angle defect (multiple of pi/2) of each detected vertices. Defaults to True.

corner_order int

For corner detection, considers corners of angle defect 2pi/corner_order. Defaults to 4 (corners of pi/2).

compute_feature_graph bool

whether to compute a Polyline object representing the feature graph. For debug and visualization purposes. Defaults to True.

verbose bool

Verbose mode. Defaults to True.



Name Type Description
feature_vertices set

indices of the vertices that are adjacent to at least one feature edge

feature_edges set

indices of feature edges

feature_degree Attribute

number of feature edges each vertex is adjacent to

local_feat_edges dict

features edges in the neighborhood of each vertex (in the order of mesh.connectivity.vertex_to_edges)

corners Attribute

the order of each detected vertex corners

feature_graph property

the feature edges as a polyline object

_add_hard_edges_to_features(mesh, feature_attr)

The mesh may already define a set of "hard" edges, for instance if it was imported from a file where edges were specified. These edges should be registered as features, but we filter them if their curvature is too small.


Name Type Description Default
feature_attr Attribute

the feature flag to fill in



Name Type Description
Attribute Attribute

the modified feature flag

_add_sharp_angles_to_features(mesh, feature_attr)

Flags as features all edges which dihedral angle is smaller than pi/2 or greater than 3*pi/2


Name Type Description Default
feature_attr Attribute

the feature flag to fill in



Name Type Description
Attribute Attribute

the modified feature flag


Computes self._feature_mesh


Clears the data structures


Runs the detection on a provided mesh.


Name Type Description Default
mesh SurfaceMesh

the input mesh
