Fast practical untangling of simplicial P2 and P3 curvilinear meshes

Guillaume Coiffier, Amaury Johnen, Jean-François Remacle
Fast practical untangling of simplicial P2 and P3 curvilinear meshes

The aim of this article is to couple the ideas proposed by [1,2] and [3] to unfold/untangle high-order meshes. What is proposed here is to systematically reduce the untangling of any high-order elements to the problem of untangling simplices (triangles in 2D and tetrahedra in 3D). First, we present a general way of expressing the validity of a high-order element by calculating linear combinations of areas of well-chosen simplices. We then show how to adapt [3] to these linear combinations of simplices. Examples of 2D boundary layer untangling are presented with P2 and P3 elements. The algorithm is then adapted to P2 tetrahedra.

[1] A. Johnen, J.-F. Remacle, and C. Geuzaine, Geometrical validity of curvilinear finite elements, Journal of Computational Physics, 233 (2013), pp. 359–372.

[2] P.-L. George, H. Borouchaki, and P. Laug, Construction de maillages de degré 2 - Partie 1: Triangle P2, PhD thesis, INRIA, 2011.

[3] V. Garanzha, I. Kaporin, L. Kudryavtseva, F. Protais, N. Ray, and D. Sokolov, Foldover-free maps in 50 lines of code, ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 40 (2021), pp. 1–16.