Mouette is a small python library for handling point clouds, polylines, surface and volume meshes. It also contains various geometry processing algorithm, like shortest-paths, surface parametrization or frame field smoothing.
Mouette (French for seagull) stands for Maillages, OUtils Et Traitement auTomatique de la géométriE (French for "Meshes, Tools and Geometry Processing).
Creating or loading geometry
mouette supports four types of geometries: point clouds (dim 0), polylines (dim 1), surface meshes (dim 2) and volume meshes (dim 3).
import numpy as np
import mouette as M
### From numpy arrays
vertices = np.array([[0,0,0],[1,2,3],[1,-1,0],[0,1,-2]])
faces = np.array([[0,1,2], [0,1,3]])
surface1 = M.mesh.from_arrays(vertices,F=faces) # a simple quad
### From files
surface2 = M.mesh.load("path/to/my/mesh/mesh.obj")
### From provided procedural functions
surface3 = M.procedural.torus(50,20)
supports a variety of file formats:
- wavefront (.obj)
- medit (.mesh)
- stl
- ply (only for input)
- off
- tet
- geogram (.geogram_ascii), see https://github.com/BrunoLevy/geogram
- xyz (for point clouds).
Saving a mesh
Data structures from mouette
can be easily stored in various file formats using the save
the extension given in the path determines the file format.
Mesh connectivity
Starting from the Polyline
class, mouette
implements various methods to query the adjacent elements of a given vertex, edge, face or cell:
# list of vertices that are linked by an edge to vertex 42
neighbors = my_mesh.connectivity.vertex_to_vertices(42)
# list of faces in which vertex 42 is a vertex
face_ring = my_mesh.connectivity.vertex_to_faces(42)
Manipulating attributes
It is possible to define any quantity on mesh elements:
# an attribute storing one floating-point number per vertex
my_v_attribute = mesh.vertices.create_attribute("my_attribute", float)
my_v_attribute[3] = 4.
# an attribute storing two integers per face
my_f_attribute = mesh.faces.create_attribute("my_attribute", 2, int)
m_f_attribute[2] = [1,3]
Attributes can store booleans, integers, floating-point numbers, complex numbers and strings, using the provided python types bool
, int
, float
, complex
and str
Mouette also implements classical quantities to be computed on a mesh as attributes in the M.attributes
degree = M.attributes.vertex_degree(mesh) # number of neighbors of each vertex
lengths = M.attributes.edge_length(mesh) # length of each edge
areas = M.attributes.face_area(mesh) # area of each face
angles = M.attributes.corner_angles(mesh) # angle at each face corner
Apply Geometry Processing Algorithms
implements some geometry processing algorithms to be applied to your data:
# define a frame field on the vertices of the surface mesh
ff = M.processing.framefield.SurfaceFrameField(mesh, "vertices")
ffmesh = ff.export_as_mesh()
M.mesh.save(ffmesh, "framefield.mesh")
Classical discrete operators on meshes, like the gradient or the cotan-Laplacian, are also defined: